If you have solid ground and reason to cause a relationship to separate, you are welcome to use break up spells with lemon. It’s an easy way to get any couple to leave each other and never look back. A lemon sour nature will generate only bitterness towards each other and that’s what you are looking for right?
It’s disappointing for someone to take up your time, thoughts and feelings to just break your heart in the end. When your lover is involved with another woman or cheating and your aim is to keep him for yourself cast break up spells using lemon. Create a gap between him and those other side chicks he has and keep at the safest distance possible.
Or you have just found the one but he/she is still tied to another relationship. You are willing to sacrifice what you have to be with him/her. And you are convinced that he is all in but his passed partners are still pulling some strings to keep him. This a knock out they can never see coming and it will hit them miles away from your hubby.

Separation spells with lemon
This break up spell is designed to break up a couple by causing them to quarrel.
- Make two black doll babies and fill each one with the tracks of one person.
- Add dirt from the grave of a divorced person, hair from a black cat and a black dog, Spanish moss, and pigeon excrement.
- Dip them in a bowl of lemon.
- Place both dolls in a brown paper bag and sprinkle Separation powder into the bag.
- Shake the bag up really good so that the powder is completely covering the dolls.
- Tie the bag closed with red string and hang from a tree for three days.
- On the third evening, take the bag and burn it in a fire at midnight.
- The spell is complete when the bag and the dolls are completely turned into ash.
Break up any relationship with a lemon spell
Lemon is one of the perfect ingredients of a break up spell that works. If you are on the road to cast a spell that you want to create a separation in another relationship. You are welcome, and if you want assurance that the spell will work.
Contact me for an African spell that is bound to work no matter what. Call – whats-app +256773520605 or email info@lovespellsandrituals.com