Love spells with hair work in the same way like other voodoo pagan witchcraft rituals using a person personal or body item. It carries more energy and representation of the person to be upon the love spell. This kind of love magic has its place in voodoo and esoteric beliefs, for years and centuries, using one’s personal belongings. Like hair, underwear, menstrual blood, picture, piece of cloth and more. All that you can get your hands on and has been used by the person in question to be cast the love spell on.
Different parts of the country have made a name for themselves in casting spells using a person’s belongings. Places like Africa, India, South America and more. With the audience and clientele, I have built over the years. It has gained fame that most of the spells I cast are based on these spells. They work 100% guaranteed with no side effects or backfires.
From attracting new love in your life, bringing back a lost lover, saving your marriage and more. Its effectiveness has been on many people’s remarks, spells casters all over the world have gathered solid knowledge on how to cast these life changing spells. And it should not be a surprise if you consult a practitioner and he asks picture to involve during the ritual.

Love Spells Using Hair to bind someone
If you love someone from the bottom of your heart, it is the safest precaution you can ever take. Because you expect nothing less than someone to love you the way you love them or more. He/she may never see or appreciate how much you love him, and casting a love spell with hair is one way to speak to their heart. With this powerful love spell you will be able to have your cake and eat it too.
You have the option of casting these rituals on your own or have a spells caster like Psychic Janzi to give you a helping hand at a fair price. I have powers that I don’t even need to touch the materials like a cloth, a simple representation of it like a picture is more than enough. Then I give you instructions of what to do and incantations to recite to finish up the love spell with hair.
There are many love spells available that can be used to make your lover return back to you. Some love spells to bind your lover to you are easy while others are difficult. For resolving love related problems, love binding spells using hair are just perfect. These spells are very strong and really powerful enough to get your lover’s attention back on you. Following are some of the fantastic love binding spells using hair that you can try:
Love attraction spells with hair
To cast the love binding spells using hair, you need one red candle. Then you can take something (hair, blood or anything) from your body and your lover’s body. Firstly, to perform these love binding spells using hair, you should concentrate on your lover’s face and focus on him.
See him messaging you, pleasing you or feeding you etc. Important thing about these love binding spells using hair is that you should imagine whole heartedly. Repeat this again and again until you get satisfied. Then, put your and your lover’s things together and let the wax drip on them. Let the wax harden on both the things to get them stuck. This love binding spells using hair/blood is a very easy way of binding your lover to you.
Deep Love Spell using hair

Procure some polymer clay and add a few drops of red food coloring to it. Add some personal effects belonging to your target to the clay, such as fingernail clippings, pubic hair, semen, or a lock of hair. Then add some personal effects of yours. The more affects you add, the stronger your spell will be. Mix everything up really good. While you are working the clay, focus your thoughts on working your lover and repeat over and over again:
As I work this clay, so I work [name]. As I mold you, so shall you do my bidding
On the first day of the new moon, name the doll after your lover by saying the name aloud and scratching or writing the name onto the doll. If you are writing the name, use red ink mixed with a drop of your blood. Using a thorn from a rose bush, gently prick the doll’s heart. Don’t prick it too hard or you may give your lover a heart attack! As you prick the doll say: As this thorn pierces your heart, so let it be pierced with love for me. Wrap the doll in a clean white cloth and keep it under your mattress until your lover comes to you.
Separation spell with hair

This spell is designed to break up a couple by causing them to quarrel. Make two black doll babies and fill each one with the tracks of one person. Add dirt from the grave of a divorced person, hair from a black cat and a black dog, Spanish moss, and pigeon excrement. Place both dolls in a brown paper bag and sprinkle Separation powder into the bag. Shake the bag up really good so that the powder is completely covering the dolls. Tie the bag closed with red string and hang from a tree for three days. On the third evening, take the bag and burn it in a fire at midnight. The spell is complete when the bag and the dolls are completely turned into ash.
I provide spell casting services like love spells with hair to achieve what you want. Of course it’s not free, but at a fair price. Don’t hesitate to contact me for help. Call- whatsapp +256773520605