Black magic spells to break up a couple. Breaking up is part the human life cycle and even without spells to intervene its bound to happen. It’s like natural selection for survival of the fittest and also to create room for others to thrive. So you casting break up spells is part of your other side fighting for your spot in love. But be careful with the intentions you hold while casting such spells if you plan on casting them yourself.
Voodoo spells to break up a couple can be focused on doing many things just to get the separation in motion. It can be cast to bring back a lost lover if he/she had started another relationship. For revenge on someone that hurt you really bad and getting back at them is what you look for. What is better than causing chaos in his/her relationship. Or you want your lover to break all ties with other people he holds an extra relationship. It all depends on your situation or what you are looking for in casting spells to break up a couple.

Break up a couple voodoo doll spell
- Burn a black candle while you write the names of the ones you choose to break up nine times on brown paper.
- Write the words “BREAK UP” between their names.
- Write the name of the person you want in black ink and the person you want to go away in red ink.
- Place the paper under a black Voodoo doll made from tattered and torn fabric that you have fixed (anointed) with Break Up oil.
- Place it near the doorstep of your rival. If this is not possible, tie it up really good in black fabric and bury in a cemetery or leave it at a crossroads.
It takes two to tango, and that is action and reaction. A reason that makes you want to cast spells to break up a couple. Don’t involve in fights that are not meant to be yours. If you are not directly connected to the situation, its best to keep a blind eye.
Because if you are a kind of person that enjoys hurting others your heart is darkening by each day that passes. Cast a break up spell to benefit yourself or revenge on a person not to bring chaos with no reason.