Use a unblock me spell if your lover has become a nut and hard to crack, because of a small misunderstanding that happened between you. He/she has reached a point of calling the relationship off, and reached a point of blocking you. They don’t want to hear anything from you no matter what you have to say. Or even consider your apologies.
But what you want is a second chance with the love of your life. And you are not interested in making new connections or engage in other relationships.
The starting point of all successful relationships is communication and connection. If it gets too complicated to a point where those are not available. Your relationship is on the edge to end badly like you have never imagined.

Cast the powerful unblock me spell
Don’t take any chances with your relationship, as soon as you notice a sign of distance growing between you. Get help or try what you have heard works. Relationships can’t be given any space, because if you are not careful and fast enough. The space grows to miles and miles that you can never fill up again.
The reason why your lover blocks you can mean many things; they are tired of you. Have some grievance that you caused them and whenever they see you it hurts even more. They have decided to break all ties with you and found someone that has swept them of their feet.
What you can do to make your lover unblock you
One is asking friends and family to put in a word for you. Or approach her in person and explain yourself and try to cool the situation down.
Cast a powerful unblock me spell and spare yourself some humiliation of begging someone that has not yet healed or made up their mind to reconcile with you. The spells will boost and make all the sweet memories you have together on his/her mind all the time that they will want to have you back.
The unblock me spell has no side effects nor back fires that may make your lover go mad. Or obsessed with you to a point that they are insanely in love with you. They will remain natural with a little magic on them until the feelings are fully established and she/he reconciles with you.
And if you want to tie a knot on the relationship that he/she never tries anything like breaking up again. Try my other spells and rituals like the love attraction spells, binding spells, marriage and commitment spells. Lost lover spells, think of me spells, lust and sex spells, faithfulness spells and more.